
We are specialized in developing Chlore/Alkali  and associated  derivatives projects , Fertilizers , Energy , and Waste Recycling projects.

By the Grace of Al-Mighty ALLAH , we have been awarded with the following tow projects:

  1. Waste and used tires, oil and plastic recycling Project. Our role was:
  • Develop the technical specification for the equipments  and products.
  • Negotiate with the licensor all commercial and technical specifications.
  • Develop quality system and solicitation potential financing for the project.
  • Conduct final inspection on equipments before shipping.
  • Supervise the construction works of the plant.

The project is expected to be commissioned  before the end of 2013 إن شاء الله.

2.  Chlore Alkali and associated derivatives. Our role was

Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study covering all technical, commercial and financial aspects for the project.

Further development of this project is in discussion with the client.

3. Specialty Chemical project based on Calcium Carbonate.